The Project

Exterius Facilities Management are providers of non-intrusive steam cleaning services. They provide this to residential and commercial customers across the UK. They provide a wide range of services from chewing gum cleaning, doff steam cleaning, commercial window cleaning and graffiti removal. Due to the nature of this work, their vehicles are exposed to water and other chemicals which speeds up the wear and tear on the vehicles.

Most affected is the load area which contains water tanks, van mounted cleaning systems. It is also exposed to any leaks and spills. If you run a fleet of vans, especially in such an industry, you will know the wear and tear, damage and beating they can go through over time.

Van protective coating solution

After consultation, their new van was dropped off at our Coleshill headquarters. The most appropriate protection solution for vehicles in this industry is the Line-X solution. RS Line-x van lining is a long-term solution, protecting against impacts, abrasions, corrosion, and the elements.



For fleets who operate vans, Line-x is the perfect solution. It offers long term, durable protection, keeping vans looking newer for longer. It can last longer that traditional ply lining. It helps to minimise vehicle repair and replacement costs. Benefits include

  • Waterproof
  • Slip resistant
  • Prevents rust
  • Easy to clean
  • Tough and durable
  • Water-tight preventing dirt, mould, and grime from going underneath the liner

The client was happy with the work and had this to say:

I would highly recommend protecting your vans with this magic stuff

LineX applied to our new van, this stuff is bomb proof and our vans take a real pasting so for the money, it will far outlive the van itself it is MEGA stuff. Chemical proof, none slip and rock solid to the touch
I would highly recommend protecting your vans with this magic stuff
We got ours done from RS Connect in Coleshill.”
Exterius FM

After applying the van lining solution, it was clear to see that the van looked newer and more presentable. It was ready to go to work and endure the day-to-day operations.

The solution is perfect for businesses in lots of industries such as facilities management, window cleaning and transport. It can be applied to vans and 4×4 pick up beds. Find out how Line-X van lining can help protect your fleet and improve your bottom line. Request a consultation today to see what solution is right for your fleet

Line x application